Last night I had an accident. Its something Ive been fearing for 10 months since I moved into this place, and last night, at 3 am it finally happened.
So a quick description of my front entrance is in order, as soon as you open the front door there is a stair case with 14 steps, then a landing and then 3 more steps straight ahead leading down a hall to the living room. Once on the landing, you can choose not to go straight and turn right, up 3 stairs to the two bed rooms.
So last night, 3 am, wake up for Lauras night time feeding, she used to sleep through the night, now shes back to eating mid night. So I wake up, pick her up and do my zombie walk to the living room, where half awake, I feed her and then we go back to bed.
In a friends post about ocd I had mentioned how I count steps when I walk at night. I count 1,2,3 landing, 1,2,3, hallway. Well last night I didnt count. I stepped one, two, and for some reason , I forgot about three. And down the stairs we went. Somehow, as exhausted and out of it as I was, I remembered I was holding Laura. The natural instinct when you fall is to throw your hands in front of yourself to break the fall. I however, somehow spun around and fell onto my back.
Thank you thank you thank you! I am so grateful to have fallen as I did. Or else chances are I would be sitting in emergency right now.
Im a little scrapped up and bruised, but its better then what couldve happened.
So next time your cursing yourself for those silly little habits you do, just remember, one of them might just be keeping you safe!
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An accident
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1 Comment to "An accident"
Justine Taylor Says:
May 24, 2011
I fell down the stairs once with Julia too mid-night! Worst moment ever! Lucky for those Mom-instincts though :)
I read your coment <3 I wasn't sure whether to publish it or not... Reading this post I now realise that it's YOU when "trev2525" or whatever leaves a comment, before I thought trevor was reading my blog, and I thought that was weird :P But now I'm glad it's you! <3
ps the capcha word verification thingie for this comment it "mulan" :D
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