So this morning, I feel like breaking some habits. For instance, every morning I wake up, go brush my teeth etc in the bathroom, change Laura and set her down on her play mat (she loves to play alone now, its kinda weird to me still.....shes not my little bean anymore shes a little girl :0! ) And sit down in front of the computer with a bowl of cereal. So yes I still went pee and changed Laura, but then normally I would check facebook, Mommy Blogaries ,email, weather network, oddee (love that site!), and then throw on the tv for background noise while I sit on the floor with Laura . Today I decided to post however , for 2 reasons. 1- I miss Justine and this is my favourite method of communicating with her, and 2- Maybe someone else actually reads this and i should write for them. And myself too I suppose, I always loved writing as a kid, school too, but I think it was all the writing in school that I loved, that and ART!!!! But I loved to write, I wrote so much. Papers that would be required to be a page or two long would come back 8 or 9 pages long.
I have a secret goal. Want to know what it is? Its to one day write a book. What about you ask? Could you even hold a train of thought long enough to complete it? Would anyone even want to read it? Maybe. That is the answer I always come back with.. Ive always doubted myself , always needed others approval. Well no more. No more I say! (okay I know a bit much with that last no more, but Lauras no longer happy playing on the floor mat so I have to finish this early)
Sorry, Ill try and write again later !
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Breaking Habits
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5 Comments to "Breaking Habits"
Momma Bear Megan Says:
Justine Taylor
Justine Taylor
Momma Bear Megan
June 10, 2011
I feel completely the same! I love to write, and I would love to be able to finish writing one of the books I've started. You should try writing about yourself, and stuff you know. Like being a young mom, and how you've tackled that. I would read it, for sure! :)
June 10, 2011
No more, I say!! :D
I, for one, would absolutely LOVE to read more on this blog, I check my blogger feed daily & there's almost NEVER something new! D: So you should make a habit to write more. I try not to go for longer than 3 days without a post. ...Sometimes I fail...
I've recruited you a reader, did you notice? ;D Her name is Megan, she's pretty cool. She's been reading my blog since almost the beginning & we chat on Facebook almost daily. So you should write for her too. She does not have a baby of her own, but she is trying very hard to conceive one! She just started a blog too, but doesn't post much .. maybe you two could motivate each other to write more??!! Hmmm...
PS Today's captcha: 'alions' ... I think that's a sign! A new alien/lion hybrid species is/will be amoung us!! Oh nooooo......!!
June 10, 2011
Also, I would totally buy & read your book! Can I write the foreward? No one ever reads those anyways..
June 11, 2011
Ooooooooo more then one comment? Fabulous! And not just Justine as my reader, awww Im tingling with joy lol
Yea Im brave I guess, its just hair though. I need ideas of what to do next...Im always open to suggestions!
Ill try to post again today but were moving the house around. *sarcastic 'yay'*
June 11, 2011
I love rearranging furniture! And cleaning and organizing.. haha. :)
BTW Justine, I ALWAYS read the foreward, preface, prologue and epilogue. SO there is SOMEONE who reads the foreward. :)
I dyed my hair red recently and I've found the shade I have it is way too hard to keep maintained, so I'm going back to red/brown next time I dye it :).
Have you ever thought about cutting it short? I did that a couple times when I wanted a change. :)
I too, check my blogger feed daily. I'm trying to think of interesting things to post, but it's not coming easily!
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