So for quite a while now I have wanted to start a blog, for exactly how long, I cant quite remember, but what I do remember is that there was always an excuse not to. It seems that there is always an excuse standing in the way of the things I want to do. Well no more! As of tonight my internal monologue is now external. And very publicaly online! ......But what to say. How do I properly establish the tone of this here blog. Do I treat it like a diary, and ignore the fact that people read it (at least Justine I hope!) ? Or do I try and better the world with my vast knowledge of things? Maybe it will be a combination of the two. Sometimes I will post things to make you laugh, and other times I may just have you in tears. The only thing I can promise is to be honest. Sometimes brutally so, I may even offend you or state opinions that clash with your own strong views. Feel free to leave comments to my posts and let me know exactly how you feel, good or bad.
I recently became a Mom. Its wonderful. Mainly. When shes not screaming at me at 3 am that is. But most days she is my beautiful sweet little angel, and I have a feeling that although I have every intention to expand to a wide array of subjects over the course of time, that my strong focus will be on my experience as a Mom. I may even have words of advice from time to time. But please, let me spare you the time and trouble. I am not an expert. Nor do I claim to be so. So please dont write me and say that what I said didnt work or wasnt helpful to you. What do you want me to do....apologize? So like I said, I can share with you my sucess stories, and hopefully they will help you, but they are in no way fool proof ways to parenting.
Wow, that was a mouthful. I have alot to say. I just never know how to go about saying it. Like in what order. Should I start at the beggining? Do a life story of myself, leading up to this moment in time. Or maybe just start at Laura's begining with her birth story. Maybe Ill leave that up to you. Leave me some feed back (if anyone is reading this, this early on) and Ill try and include your comments in my next post.
For now Ill leave it at that. But dont worry , this wont be the last you hear from me.
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Ok here we go!
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2 Comments to "Ok here we go!"
Justine Taylor Says:
Momma Bear Megan
March 13, 2011
<3 <3 <3
I am already in love with your blog!!!
I can't wait to read the next post... and the following one ... and the following one... etc!!
Some post suggestions?? I would LOVE to read about
1. how you came to the decision of having Laura
2.all your struggle along the way
3.Laura's birth story!!!
I have more... but I'll wait :)
I love you!! :D <3
June 11, 2011
Since I'm new to your lovely blog, I thought I'd leave you something on here. I agree firmly with Justine on her above points, and I would also love to hear about
- how Laura is developing and growing!
- any 'tried and true' methods you used for her with sleeping
- what you do as far as 'parenting style' goes. (like, do you co-sleep, use no-cry sleep training, stuff like that) and why it works for you guys.
I look forward to seeing your blog continue to blossom! :D (that was so cheesy...)
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