How Laura came to be.....
First we should start with the decision to have her. Unlike many pregnancies that occur in
peoples early 20's, this one was intentional. And not just a pleasant surprise. Now Im not sure how much information Id like to disclose, Im sure over time I will become more comfortable and choose to fill in some of the blanks that will be left in this story. But for the mean time , I will tell it as best as possible. Trevor and I had been together for 6 years of on again off again intence magnetism. No matter what we did we always seemed to end up together. He was my first real boyfriend and even the first boy Id ever kissed. I knew that one day we would get married and have babies. Who in the world wouldve guessed that 15 year old me was right?!
So after some on again off again dating, Trev and I moved in together in my parents basement, where we toughed out being adults living under my parents. Who I love, dont get me wrong, but when you get to a
certain age you just cant live under someone elses rules. Im sure you know what I mean! So after a year in the dungeon like basement (and I only say that because its an unfinished basement in a 100 year old yeah kinda dungeon like) we decided to spread our wings and get our first ever apartment. It was the most exciting thing we had experienced up to that point. And man the freedom was nice. The bills....not so much. But we managed somehow, and our love grew. Branching off a little bit, the women on my mothers side are terribly unfertille.Of my Moms 6 sisters only 2 were able to naturally have children, a third was able but only after 3 inseminations! My Aunts all have some condition, that causes scaring in the fallopian tubes, blocking eggs from being ever released. When I was 17, I had abnormal cramping and was sent to a specialist, who told me I would not be able to have children as I too had blocked tubes. How tragic. Young me, looking forward to the house and family I would one day have, only to be told that my house would remain empty, desolate, free of childrens laughter, etc etc Im sure you get the point. So I put on my brave face and went on with life. Trevor and I got a bigger better apartment and continued moving up in life. Then, last Christmas, tragedy struck my family with the death of my Grandmother. My Mother took it hardest as she had already lost her father to cancer several years prior. In that moment I realized that my Mom would never have any grandchildren, as my sister is autisic and unable to have children. I had not yet told my Mom what the Doctors had told me.I felt crushed. Terrified that I would have to bring my Mother down further into a feeling of
hopless despair. So I decided not to tell her. To wait. Maybe in 5 years she wouldnt take it quite so hard
maybe she would accept that I was like her sisters and would have to simply adopt. At this point Trevor
and I had abandoned birth control. If I cant get pregnant, why would I pay to prevent it??
Well, if you havent been able to tell already, this is a happy story full of hope. Hope to any woman who has ever been told she cant have babies. Dont give up! So back to the story, we were told we couldnt have babies, but we tried anyway. And low and behold, just a few short months after my Gramma passed be concieved Laura. She truely is amazing and I am so thankful for her every day. I could honestly hold her in my arms forever! Even if that means Im critisized by everyone for never putting her down! As Mothers we often
disagree with what other parents deem 'right', and thats ok, but in the end, I know best!
Next, Laura's journey here, aka, my pregnancy, and then following that I think I will share her
birth story. Thanks for reading!
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The Best Decision Ever Made
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2 Comments to "The Best Decision Ever Made"
Justine Taylor Says:
March 14, 2011
Laura is loved! I was criticized for constantly holding Julia too. Even by Corey! But I knew that she would tell me when she was ready to be a "big girl". And she has, without separation anxiety, might I add :)
Doing what you feel is right makes you a good Mom. All those other moms who feel the need to correct you because they failed their own kids, or don't know what it's like to have kids can bit me :)
March 15, 2011
Yeah Trevor and my Mom give me the most grief. But really, how long am I going to be able to snuggle her for? She can already sit upright, soon she will be dancing to Beyonce music videos. Our little girls just grow up too fast. So hate me while I sneak in an extra couple of hugs :)
Thanks for the support <3 xoxo
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