Isnt that how life always seems to go? You make some progress and then an inevitable road block plops itself in your way thwarting your plans.
So its been a while since Ive Laura updated, and theres a lot to update! She had starting getting up on her knees about 3 weeks ago, and she was doing this weird chameleon lurching thing. And then a couple days later she would get up on her hands and knees and walk her hands backwards pushing herself up onto her feet. She even attempted bear walking for a little bit, and then she just stopped trying. Some where in that week she was busy learning other things, i was just too focused on the crawling. I never noticed when she started being able to get from her belly to her butt. Or to sit up from her back to be butt. But the next week she decided to try crawling again, and was pretty smooth. And three days later she was in hyper speed and zoomed everywhere! Then this past week she has mastered standing. Without help might I add. She can stand herself up on anything! Even a wall, which has nothing to hold onto so I was pretty amazed! She is even pushing around her toys now trying to walk.
I knew these things would happen. Of course I did....but why tthen does it all feel too soon? I feel like just last month she was still my little bean, all she did was cuddle and sleep in my arms all day. I want to laugh at all the people who always lectured me to put her down in her crib. "ohhh you should hold her all the time, put her down" HA! And miss precious cuddle time? Not on your life! She is not yet 10 months and already I can see a little person looking up at me. She has such a strong personalitly. Like her mama :) Shes defiant and loves testing me! She is curious and clever, she is funny and adventurous. And I love her. I love her so much I wonder who I was before I had her. I look at pictures and I dont even think Im the same person. There was a selfishness in me before that is long extinct. Everything I have I would give to her. I dont think I couldve said that of Amanda a few years ago. But time passes and people change.
I can still remember last winter. So vividly and clear. Im taking a moment to write about that because Im afraid I wont always remember the feeling of those times. Old memories are always replaced with new ones, no matter how hard we try to hold on! The house was not set up like it is now (Trev likes moving furniture around) the play room used to be the living room, and I remember it being dimly lit (as it was winter, not alot of natural lighting) as we had a floor lamp, one of the ones that branches off 5 different ways, and I always had it on the dimmest setting. I remember that I was so sore from the caesarean that I couldnt walk around much. So I never really used my change table,. I kind of made myself a nest. I know that sounds funny, but its the best way I can think to describe it. I had a little book shelf next to the couch where i had the breast pump, the diapers ,wipes, clothes, blankets etc, and drinks and snacks on top of course. And there was a blue ottoman that I would put my feet up on. I had three HUGE blankets and 4 pillows and I would build up a blanket nest all around me, making it perfect, then I would lay Laura down right against my belly, and thats where she hung out. She spent almost all of her time snug against my chest. I didnt need to move her, I could just wip out the boob and nurse. Its funny, I kind of miss breast feeding. I stopped because she got teeth. And shes a bitter, she will bite your arm if you sit still long enough next to her. Apparently I was a bitter too. But I miss those cuddle times. I spent at least three months doing nothing but that. Holding and snuggling my gorgeous baby girl. I had no idea that something so small could make me feel so special. When I think back to those times Im over whelmed by feelings of rushing warmth. I can see the dimly lit blanket nest and me and my baby all curled up inside. I even slept with her at night, despite being told not to. But those were the best night of my life. sleeping on arm over her and one eye open (figuratively speaking). And I remember one night in particular. It had been a hard day, she had been colicky and I just didnt know what to do. I was stressed, I was tired and i was feeling desperate, I decided to go to bed an hour early and go lay down in bed with her. We were laying face to face, nose to nose, and I reached out and stroked her cheek, ever so gently. Her eyes were closed and she rubbed her face into my hand, much like a kitty does. I whispered "I love you" and still with her eyes closed , she smiled. The biggest sweetest smile. Her first smile. (holy crap, I just had one of those mommy moments, and teared up, that normally only happens for pampers commercials !) There were other great moments too, like when shes on the brink of sleep she will reach up and stroke my cheek now, and let out a little sigh, like she is just so happy Mom is there. But no special moment stands out in my mind like that first smile.
And now, now she stands? Shes learning to walk? She can crawl away from me and dosnt need me to hold her anymore? She plays every morning in the pen for an hour, and sometimes when i go to get her, she doesnt even care. She just keeps on playing. Like oh, its just biggie. But at night, Im everything . She wont take a bottle from Trev, only Mom. And at about 4 am, she doesnt want to sleep in the crib any more, she will stand up and call, " MOm MOM mom mum mmmmoomm momomomomomom MOM MOM MOM!" until I get up and scoop her up and bring her to bed with me. Which i know is probably creating a bad habit, and I know Im just giving her dependency issues or whatever.......but truth be told Im way to tired to wake up at 4, and part of me really loves cuddling with her. Thats all she wants is to cuddle. Which is fine as Trevor doesnt sleep in the bed any more. (thats a whole other long ass story, for which I will save for another post, or maybe a visit?? EHEM! VISIT! JUSTINE!!) he doesnt want to be disturbed by her waking. Which I think is nonsense as there is no where in this little house that you wouldnt be able to hear her crying. So for a while he was sleeping on the floor, then he bought an air mattress, and now he sleeps on that. SO im guessing its permanent. Us sleeping in separate rooms. I feel more like room mates then a couple any more. Its funny. I remember thinking that having a baby would bring us closer, but truth is, the stress of a baby brakes most couples up. The financial strain is alot more then any one ever prepares you for, and the sleep deprivation really takes a toll after a while. But really, people just change. They evolve and grow. Well some do. And others just stay the same. The ones who grow often grow too much, and cant relate to the person they were once so connected to. If your not catching the reference...Im the grower. It may take me a few years to get out of this funk, to get Laura off to school. To get back in shape. But look out world. Im coming for you! And Im leaving behind all the losers when I do!
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1 Comment to "2 steps forward, one step back"
Justine Taylor Says:
September 16, 2011
Well I sure hope I'm not one of the losers left behind :P I feel like I could have written those same words though! It's insane! ACtually, that post that I told you about, that I scheduled for the 19th pretty much covers that, lol :)
My heart broke too when Julia started being so independant! Like, I was really happy that my baby was growing & learning but at the same time it was so sad realizing that this was it, she was no longer my little baby!
So Trev sleeps in a seperate room now? I was about to ask you why I would have to sleep at family's house when I come for a visit, but I guess I get it now! Wow.... I don't even know what to say to that. I can't even decide if it's passive behavior, or if he's just being immature!
I absolutely loved this post though :) This is just the kind of honest content you should be posting regularily AHEM! :) <3
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