So Im writing this soley to appease my lovely Mommy friend Justine. Yesterday I found out my Mom,. the most important person in my life, next to Laura of course, has breast cancer. In the past 10 years she has lost both her parents to cancer, and her health has been on a steady decline the past 4 years. She has severe osteoporosis and arthitis , saying Im worried ofr her is an understatement. So understandably Im not in a very talkative mood. Also, Laura is asleep on my lap, she passed out while on her boob. So needless to say Im stretching to reach the key board. My arms are burning from th effort. But so is my sence of guilt, for not having written sooner. Tomorrow, I promise to match the length of your post today. With pictures too.
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1 Comment to "Rough times"
Justine Taylor Says:
April 01, 2011
Chaaa,, way to make me feel guilty!!
If you are not in a writing mood, please just say so! I have many days where I don't feel like writing. I had NO idea about you Mom, I am so sorry <3 You're right, I do need to live closer, so we can stay "in the loop" in each others lives.
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